Tuesday, December 29, 2015


On Christmas morning I took a short trip just outside of Munich to witness the memorial service for the Sendling's night of murder.

From WikipediaSendling's night of murder (German: Sendlinger Mordweihnacht) was a massacre in 1705 in Sendling, 2 km south west of Munich. An army of peasants, protesting the Austrian regime during the Bavarian People's Uprising, had marched on Munich, but was betrayed from within and massacred. Some 1,100 peasants were killed.

Friday, December 18, 2015


That was a first! Recently I was lucky enough to play some tennis on ice. Here're some shots from that night. Check out the incredible White Club Tennis.

the court was projected onto the ice

setting up the net

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Portraits for Sepalot, connect with him on facebook, spotify or sepalot.com.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

BLICKFANG 2015 / 2016

Druckfrisch auf den Tisch: Die neue Ausgabe »BLICKFANG – Deutschlands beste Fotografen« für 2015/2016 ist erschienen. Für mich persönlich das Schönste unter den Sourcebooks. Hier stimmt die Mischung an Fotografen und ausgewählten Arbeiten. Insgesamt finden sich hier auf 656 Seiten etwas mehr als 200 Fotografen und das Ganze nennt sich dann noch "Deutschlands beste Fotografen" - das macht doch Freude. Hier kann man das Buch bestellen und sich auch gleich durch die Portfolios der Fotografen klicken: blickfang-dbf.de

One of my personal favorite sourcebooks just hit the shelves. "BLICKFANG – Deutschlands beste Fotografen" features the work of more than 200 photographers on 656 pages. Check it out online at blickfang-dbf.de 

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Just got back from a sweet & short trip to Fuerteventura. Follow me around on Instagram.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Patrik Muff has a beautiful studio in one of the oldest parts of Munich. It was a pleasure shooting portraits with him and to document as he was laying some finishing touches on the Birkenstocks he designed.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Back in September I went on a huge mission - a shoot in two countries, lot's of travel, crew, talent... It was also the third time I went to shoot in the desert this year (here's 1 and 2), must be a trending thing.

We shot lifestyle and sports, it was both challenging and fun. A huge thanks to everyone who made this possible, super duper special thanks to Vio, Izaak and John! Let's do this again!

Here's some behind the scenes footage which I can share by now...

iPhone clip of a second long video recorded almost each day:

The top bit of the Burj Khalifa, we went all the way up one night. I think you can go half way for a third of the price which is less of a rip off.

Dubai main-street at night

The Burj everywhere you go...

city taxi

Desert Taxi. A Toyota with almost 600.000km on the clock
Location scouting
I brought my snowboard for a couple of runs.

messy base-camp

This was definitely just shortly after sunrise and just moments before the sand got burning hot
The afternoon held some mixed weather for us. Sunny on the right, rainy on the left and we thought it's funny that it's raining in the desert.

just moments later the wind picked up and we found ourselves in a massive sand and rain strom

discussing shots with the DOP and wind-machines just in case the roof was not windy

phone stack at lunch, first one to pick it up pays for the table

the beach set up from far away

The last morning of two weeks of super early call times.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Eine traurige Nachricht, die Band Blumentopf löst sich auf. Es war eine Ehre für mich das letzte Bandfoto machen zu dürfen. Am 22.10.2016 spielen sie im Zenith in München die letzte Show, noch einmal richtig feiern mit dem Topf. Tickets: http://bit.ly/1OVNyes

Monday, October 12, 2015


This spring I went to Spain to shoot the Album artwork and promotional photos with Álvaro Soler. His single "El mismo sol" was released shortly after and boy - what a success! Double platinum in Italy and top ten chart positions all over Europe. Just recently the feature version with Jennifer Lopez was released.

One of the highlight jobs of this year for sure.

megasuperspecial thanks to Carla!

And here's the lyric video featuring some of my images.

Für Integration

Anfang des Monats durfte ich dieses Motiv fotografieren. Die Anzeige wurde in allen Münchner Tageszeitungen geschalten, hier der Wortlaut:

"Wir danken allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern Münchens und im Umland, unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, den ehrenamtlichen Kräften und Angehörigen von Behörden, Polizei und Hilfsorgani- sationen für ihren vorbildlichen Einsatz während der vergangenen Wochen. Durch eine einzigartige gemeinsame Kraftanstrengung ist es gelungen, Zehntausenden Flüchtlingen – Menschen in Not – einen würdigen und herzlichen Empfang zu bereiten.

Als bedeutende Arbeitgeber in der Region unterstützen wir freiwilliges Engagement, beteiligen uns an Hilfsinitiativen und wollen weiterhin unseren Beitrag leisten, denen, die dauerhaft bleiben, eine berufliche Perspektive zu bieten.

Denn wir sind überzeugt: Ausbildung und Arbeit sind die beste Form der Integration."

Monday, October 5, 2015


This shot of my friend Ronnie Renner ended up in the "FIRE" issue of Tiny Atlas Quarterly. Point your browser to tinyatlasquarterly.com - lot's of great photography to be discovered!