Sunday, November 27, 2011


Munich's meanwhile famous river wave hasn't lost anything of it's appeal and still serves as scene for all kind of filming and shooting. One exciting project by Tom Prior should be on his website and blog anytime soon, keep an eye out for it. I find myself keep going back there, here are some shots from this summer. Far and close. The view from above is also the photo on the opening page for the Eisbach chapter of the "River Surfing" book - and yes, I chartered a helicopter to get this photo.

Die mittlerweile recht berühmte Eisbachwelle in München hat nichts von ihrer Faszination eingebüßt, so verwundert es nicht, dass dort noch immer viel gedreht oder fotografiert wird. Ich selbst gehe immer wieder gerne hin um dort zu fotografieren. Hier sind ein paar Bilder von diesem Sommer. Das Luftbild ist übrigens auch der Opener des Eisbach Kapitels im "River Surfing" Buch. Ein Projekt auf das ich sehr gespannt bin, ist das von Tom Prior, es gibt bereits die ersten Bilder auf seinem Blog zu sehen und hoffentlich bald auch das ganze Projekt.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Isenseven is a creative force in Snowboarding, they make things happen and have quite some impact on the scene. I'm thankful for being friends with the guys and stoked on this feature they did on me on their new website, check it out.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Despite the early iTunes release of The Art of Flight, I thought I'd wait until the movie theater premiere to watch it the first time on the big screen. Eventually I didn't make the premiere and had to watch it on my computer screen anyways. Regardless. One part that stood out to me was Travis Rice and Nico Müller riding natural terrain. I remembered this photo I took of them back in 2005. We just cruised Zurich that afternoon and came across this pile of junk, they quickly posed, I took one frame and we moved on. Shot on a roll of Kodak Portra NC with a Nikon FM, 50mm. A small camera with all the functionality of a big SLR (i.e. F5) minus the motor drive. There's still no equivalent in the digital world, neither to this type of film.

Nicolas Müller and Travis Rice in Zürich, 2005.


If you get the chance to grab a copy of highsnobiety, do so. It's a real well done high quality print mag, a pleasure to read. To get an idea what it's all about, you can flip through the pages of issue three online.
This are some shots of mine that made it in there.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Über mein Foto in der aktuellen Dezember Ausgabe der Men's Health freue ich mich deshalb besonders, da es schön zu sehen ist wenn Snowboard-Fotografie auch in "Mainstream" Medien einen Bildaufbau haben dürfen. Leider viel zu oft sieht man Actionbilder bei denen der Fahrer möglichst mittig und am besten formatfüllend angeordnet ist. Centered all around quasi. Kompliment also an dieser Stelle, wobei ich sowieso Fan der Men's Health bin die viel hochwertige Fotografie zeigt.

Men's Health, Dezember 2011, Pond Skim statt Sixpack

Zum Thema Centered all around eine kleine Anekdote: Ich war einmal auf einer Portfolio Review wo ich folgendes Feedback bekommen habe - dass das besser ginge. Wie? Also... (die Hände decken alles auf dem Foto bis auf den Snowboarder ab) "so! Jetzt ist der Betrachter gefragt - wohin, woher - so kommt Spannung in ein Bild"

Es hätte also auch so aussehen können, Glück gehabt ;-)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


There is no typical day, everyday is different. One of the many reasons I love my job. I'm happy to have had the chance to be working on so many different projects recently. From editorial to catalog work, advertising, lookbooks and portrait shoots, swimming in the mediterranean sea with the camera in a water-housing to the more equipment friendly environment in a photo studio.

Here are some snaps and behind the scenes....