Saturday, March 13, 2010

Japan Trip Slideshow

travel, city cruising, fog, pow, endless hours in cars, hot pow, night shred, icy conditions, food adventures. We had it all on our trip to Japan, but most of all we had fun. Many thanks to the riders Fredrik, Christophe, Shayne, Ai and Massa and of course Bernd and Testuso.

Slideshow HEAD Snowboards Japan Trip from Christian Brecheis on Vimeo.

 for maximum awesome,
go fullscreen and turn on the sound

Update - Just received the link to the little video we shot there. Camera & edit by Felix Urbauer and additional filming by the entire crew since we had a bunch of nifty GoPro cameras and Flip Cams. You can see me high five'en at 1:37 ;)

HEAD Japan 2010 – Exploring Nippon from HEAD Snowboards on Vimeo.

1 comment:

mjr said...

Lässig!!! danke für die diashow. macht lust auf japan und auf fotografieren. thx!!