Tuesday, December 1, 2009
early season - Laax
Recently I went to Laax, Switzerland for a few days. The pipe is already open for some national teams to practice for the Olympics. The snow is man made and even though it's the last weekend of November, due to the warm temperatures it still feels like very early in the season on the mountain.
Monday, November 23, 2009
With snowboard magazines getting published mostly during the early season, at times you can have a lot of your work floating around out there at the same time. Here are some tear-sheets of what's on newsstands right now and what I've been blogging about earlier so I wanted to get some of the results up on the blog as well.
Slammer Magazine, 04/09, FIN
Rider: Sami Saarenpää - I wrote about our shoot here...
Document ,#59, GB
Rider: David Benedek. This shot and double cork sequence from one year earlier. Really good interview with David that highlight some special moments in his career.
Snowboard Magazine, December, USA
Rider: Eero Ettala. Some portraits for his interview, initially shot for Pleasure Mag in Germany.
Left page: Transworld Snowboard Magazine, USA. Shaun McKay in Arlberg, read the blog here...
Right page: Pleasure Magazin, #82, GER
A "how to" article with Christophe Schmidt. A multi page sequence massacre shot in Mammoth, check my travel post here...

Rider: Sami Saarenpää - I wrote about our shoot here...

Rider: David Benedek. This shot and double cork sequence from one year earlier. Really good interview with David that highlight some special moments in his career.

Rider: Eero Ettala. Some portraits for his interview, initially shot for Pleasure Mag in Germany.

Right page: Pleasure Magazin, #82, GER
A "how to" article with Christophe Schmidt. A multi page sequence massacre shot in Mammoth, check my travel post here...
It's good timing to see your photos printed and get motivated for the winter. Soon it's going to be early bird missions and hiking. And in a year from all the sweat and travel it took to take these photos is forgotten and magazines hit newsstands. People, buy more magazines!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Winter is around the corner
Monday, October 19, 2009
Finland has one of the best snowboard scenes I've witnessed. And some of the best riders in the world come from there as well, no coincidence. There's this resort called Talma just outside of Helsinki. Since it's dark most of the time in winter anyways, they've got lights so you can ride pretty much any time of the day. Naturally people go for a shred after work or school and sure enough you'll always run into someone you know. How great is that?
I've shot a story there this winter that got published in Pleasure Snowboard Magazine (Germany) and Snowstyle (Japan). Here are some tear-sheets, check out the full story in the mags - they're at newsstands now.

I've shot a story there this winter that got published in Pleasure Snowboard Magazine (Germany) and Snowstyle (Japan). Here are some tear-sheets, check out the full story in the mags - they're at newsstands now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Take a peek at the look-book for the Isenseven 2009/2010 clothing collection on their website. Or check out the latest two ads over at my work blog. As always I had a great time shooting with the Isenseven guys, thanks to Esel and everyone involved!

Hier ein paar Bilder aus dem Lookbook der Isenseven 2009/2010 clothing collection. Mehr davon gibt's auf deren Facebook Seite.
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Hier ein paar Bilder aus dem Lookbook der Isenseven 2009/2010 clothing collection. Mehr davon gibt's auf deren Facebook Seite.
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christian brecheis,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
tiny heli
Eine Aktion von der ich leider nicht mehr Bilder posten kann. Zumindest ein paar Eindrücke von einem der kleinsten Helikopter der Welt. Ziemlich witzige Sache, ich hab mich wahnsinnig über den Rundflug gefreut.

Unfortunately I can't post much more photos, but here's a little impression of one of the world smallest helicopters. The ride in this thing was great fun!
Not so long ago I got to fly with a microlight aircraft, see here.
Eine Aktion von der ich leider nicht mehr Bilder posten kann. Zumindest ein paar Eindrücke von einem der kleinsten Helikopter der Welt. Ziemlich witzige Sache, ich hab mich wahnsinnig über den Rundflug gefreut.

Unfortunately I can't post much more photos, but here's a little impression of one of the world smallest helicopters. The ride in this thing was great fun!
Not so long ago I got to fly with a microlight aircraft, see here.
world smallest
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Website Updates

I updated my portfolio website with Sports, Snow and Lifestyle photos. Pay me a visit if you‘ve got a minute. CHRISTIANBRECHEIS.COM
Action Sports,
christian brecheis,
Outdoor Sports,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
VillaWool Country Club and Finland's Fisherman's Wharf

VillaWool Country Club and Finland's Fisherman's Wharf aka the annual trip to Estonia and Finland, family visits and vacation. Too little time as always. Was great seeing everyone, always nice to be up there.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Isenseven Ad "Club" and additional photos
Die erste Anzeige aus der Isenseven Custom Clothing Kampagne. Zu sehen in Pleasure Ausgabe Nummero 81, jetzt am Kiosk.
Arbeitstitel war 'Out with Friends' und von Club bis Kino war einiges geboten während des Shoots. www.isenseven.de
It was a fun shoot for the Isenseven Custom Clothing ad campaign. Working title was 'Out with Friends' and we had a blast shooting at various locations such as a club or at the movies.
The first out of four ads is out now, check out Pleasure Magazine issue nr 81, at newsstands now.
Thanks to everyone involved!
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Die erste Anzeige aus der Isenseven Custom Clothing Kampagne. Zu sehen in Pleasure Ausgabe Nummero 81, jetzt am Kiosk.
Arbeitstitel war 'Out with Friends' und von Club bis Kino war einiges geboten während des Shoots. www.isenseven.de
It was a fun shoot for the Isenseven Custom Clothing ad campaign. Working title was 'Out with Friends' and we had a blast shooting at various locations such as a club or at the movies.
The first out of four ads is out now, check out Pleasure Magazine issue nr 81, at newsstands now.
Thanks to everyone involved!
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Planet Sports,
Pleasure Magazine
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Eero Ettala for Pleasure Magazine
Here are some tear sheets of the recent issue of Pleasure Magazine, I've been shooting the Portraits of Eero for his interview.

Eero Ettala
Lifestyle / Portraits for his interview in Pleasure Snowboard Magazine (Germany)
Photographed in Helsinki, Finland this summer.
Check out Pleasure Magazine #80

Eero Ettala
Lifestyle / Portraits for his interview in Pleasure Snowboard Magazine (Germany)
Photographed in Helsinki, Finland this summer.
Check out Pleasure Magazine #80
christian brecheis,
Eero Ettala,
Pleasure Magazine,
Red Bull
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Soccer Fußball Football

Some work I did for my portfolio. Check it out at www.christianbrecheis.com. Thanks to Max and Tobias for your help!
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christian brecheis,
Outdoor Sports,
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hang Glider
Letzte Woche hatte ich die Gelegenheit Drachenfliegen zu fotografieren. Die Inspiration zur Action waren auf Wasser landende Enten, die bis sie sich absetzen, schliddernd einen Strich über die Wasseroberfläche ziehen. War genauso spannend und lustig zu fotografieren wie es sich anhört. Hier ein paar Bilder:

Last week I had the chance to shoot Hang Gliding. The inspiration for the action came from ducks which slide on the water surface when landing. Had a great time shooting, thanks to everyone involved!
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Letzte Woche hatte ich die Gelegenheit Drachenfliegen zu fotografieren. Die Inspiration zur Action waren auf Wasser landende Enten, die bis sie sich absetzen, schliddernd einen Strich über die Wasseroberfläche ziehen. War genauso spannend und lustig zu fotografieren wie es sich anhört. Hier ein paar Bilder:

Last week I had the chance to shoot Hang Gliding. The inspiration for the action came from ducks which slide on the water surface when landing. Had a great time shooting, thanks to everyone involved!
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christian brecheis,
hang glider,
hang gliding,
Outdoor Sports,
Red Bull
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Jarna's Clothing
Recently I went to Finland to shoot a small clothing collection designed by Jarna Tikkanen. She is a true artist, fun to be around with and knows how to live life. Here are a few photos from the shoot that should give you a little overview of what she does. Interview-style Jarna answers some questions about her day to day business and background. Here we go:
How much time do you spend on painting these days?
Jarna: Sometimes I get this crazy feeling that I simply have to paint, even if it’s 3 in the morning. I have to wake up and start painting. I get this feeling about 3 times a month and usually I paint for myself only when feel like doing it. Of course I also paint orders.

Your family runs VillaWool, a knitwear company. When did you first get involved and how does your work for VillaWool look like today?
I got involved at a young age, when I was about 10 years old. I always used to do beanie designs and 14 years later I still do. In the 2010 collection I made one hat that comes with an individual embroidery, no two beanies are the same.
How do you come up with so many ideas if every hat is different?
When I started to stitch the embroideries my head was almost exploding from ideas. By the 400th hat things did get a little more complicated. But the world is full of things to get ideas from, like if I’m stitching an anchor I already get the next idea - boat, fish and so on...

What kind of influences does living in Helsinki, one of the most livable cities in the world, have on you?
I love Helsinki, its beautiful landscape and silly people. But to be honest - the art here is crappy, it´s the kind of art that nobody wants to put up on their wall. I like to make art that you really want to look at. Helsinki has the most influence on me when it comes to clothing design. I design very Scandinavian looking clothes that are simple, comfortable but also interesting.
You seem to have a lot of patience. Is that essential for the type of design you do?
The patience appears in the way I do things. In my T-Shirt line every Tee has a print that I have painted by hand. I´m not afraid of big projects.

Please tell us more about the T-Shirt line you did and the idea behind it.
I did a T-Shirt line as my thesis for school. One day it hit me like a thunder, T-Shirts are art, you can carry art on you. I designed T-Shirts with a painting on them, I did each by hand. One Shirt shows a tiny business man next to a very large tree, it characterizes the power of nature. When you think you are a "big shot" you still are tiny next to a 300 year old tree.
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How much time do you spend on painting these days?
Jarna: Sometimes I get this crazy feeling that I simply have to paint, even if it’s 3 in the morning. I have to wake up and start painting. I get this feeling about 3 times a month and usually I paint for myself only when feel like doing it. Of course I also paint orders.

Your family runs VillaWool, a knitwear company. When did you first get involved and how does your work for VillaWool look like today?
I got involved at a young age, when I was about 10 years old. I always used to do beanie designs and 14 years later I still do. In the 2010 collection I made one hat that comes with an individual embroidery, no two beanies are the same.
How do you come up with so many ideas if every hat is different?
When I started to stitch the embroideries my head was almost exploding from ideas. By the 400th hat things did get a little more complicated. But the world is full of things to get ideas from, like if I’m stitching an anchor I already get the next idea - boat, fish and so on...

What kind of influences does living in Helsinki, one of the most livable cities in the world, have on you?
I love Helsinki, its beautiful landscape and silly people. But to be honest - the art here is crappy, it´s the kind of art that nobody wants to put up on their wall. I like to make art that you really want to look at. Helsinki has the most influence on me when it comes to clothing design. I design very Scandinavian looking clothes that are simple, comfortable but also interesting.
You seem to have a lot of patience. Is that essential for the type of design you do?
The patience appears in the way I do things. In my T-Shirt line every Tee has a print that I have painted by hand. I´m not afraid of big projects.

Please tell us more about the T-Shirt line you did and the idea behind it.
I did a T-Shirt line as my thesis for school. One day it hit me like a thunder, T-Shirts are art, you can carry art on you. I designed T-Shirts with a painting on them, I did each by hand. One Shirt shows a tiny business man next to a very large tree, it characterizes the power of nature. When you think you are a "big shot" you still are tiny next to a 300 year old tree.
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christian brecheis,
Jarna Tikkanen,
Thursday, July 9, 2009
new photos on the website - Tennis
English Version below...
In meinem Online-Portfolio befinden sich seit kurzem auch Tennisfotos. Hier ein paar 'Outtakes', zusätzliche Bilder von dem Shoot.

Recently I added Tennis photos to my website's Active / Sports category. Here are some outtakes from that shoot.
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In meinem Online-Portfolio befinden sich seit kurzem auch Tennisfotos. Hier ein paar 'Outtakes', zusätzliche Bilder von dem Shoot.

Recently I added Tennis photos to my website's Active / Sports category. Here are some outtakes from that shoot.
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Monday, July 6, 2009
Meet Jarna
English Version below...
Darf ich vorstellen? Jarna.
Vollblut Künstlerin aus Helsinki, Finnland. Gerade kürzlich hatte ich das Vergnügen einige Teile ihrer neuen Kleidungskollektion zu fotografieren. Mehr dazu gibt es hier auf meinem Blog in Kürze...
Please meet Jarna. A gifted artist from Helsinki, Finland. Recently I had the pleasure of shooting some pieces of her new clothing line. More about that on this blog soon...
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Darf ich vorstellen? Jarna.
Vollblut Künstlerin aus Helsinki, Finnland. Gerade kürzlich hatte ich das Vergnügen einige Teile ihrer neuen Kleidungskollektion zu fotografieren. Mehr dazu gibt es hier auf meinem Blog in Kürze...
Please meet Jarna. A gifted artist from Helsinki, Finland. Recently I had the pleasure of shooting some pieces of her new clothing line. More about that on this blog soon...
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Saturday, July 4, 2009
new photos on the website - Running
English Version below
Auf meiner Webseite (christianbrecheis.com) gibt es ein paar Neuerungen: Zuerst ein paar neue, urbane Running Fotos, nachts in der Stadt. Dann haben einige neue Snowboard-Bilder den Weg in mein Portfolio gefunden. Wintersport hat jetzt außerdem eine eigene Kategorie erhalten, Action / Snow.

Thanks for scrolling down here. I'm gonna add a note in German to most of my blog post from now on.
I got some new Urban Running Photos on my Portfolio. Also some new Snowboard photographs were added to the new category: Action / Snow. Browse through the new photos at www.christianbrecheis.com.
Subscribe to this blog via eMail
Auf meiner Webseite (christianbrecheis.com) gibt es ein paar Neuerungen: Zuerst ein paar neue, urbane Running Fotos, nachts in der Stadt. Dann haben einige neue Snowboard-Bilder den Weg in mein Portfolio gefunden. Wintersport hat jetzt außerdem eine eigene Kategorie erhalten, Action / Snow.

Thanks for scrolling down here. I'm gonna add a note in German to most of my blog post from now on.
I got some new Urban Running Photos on my Portfolio. Also some new Snowboard photographs were added to the new category: Action / Snow. Browse through the new photos at www.christianbrecheis.com.
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christian brecheis,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
some Blogs to check out
Some new, snowboard related blogs to check out:
Snowboarder Sani Alibabic shares some photos and stories from his travels
Pleasure Magazine's all around graphic/photo/ AD guy Markus Fischer with words and images from trips, behind the desk and the bar
Creative and Filmer from the Isenseven Crüe
Snowboarder Sani Alibabic shares some photos and stories from his travels
Pleasure Magazine's all around graphic/photo/ AD guy Markus Fischer with words and images from trips, behind the desk and the bar
Creative and Filmer from the Isenseven Crüe
Pleasure Magazine,
Sani Alibabic
Monday, June 29, 2009
Look who wanted to be in the picture too
Shoot at the beach today. A friendly duck came by, showed no fear and was quite curious about the camera.
Infrequently blogging in June. I know, I know. July will be different, promised. Check back soon.
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